AIMS Students’ Experience of their First Cultural Immersion with the Umuganda

Thirty eight students participated in the Communal cleaning exercise, “Umuganda” a term in Kinyarwanda that is loosely translated to mean “coming together to achieve a common purpose” in English. This is a cultural Rwandese practice carried out every last Saturday of the month where community members meet to clean and organize their neighborhoods. The cleaning

AIMS Rwanda welcome its first students

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Centre in Kigali, Rwanda, opened on Saturday the 27th August 2016 with the arrival of the first cohort of students. The centre has welcomed its first intake of 44 students including 17 females from 10 countries after a challenging screening process of 295 applications. For the 2016/2017 academic

Orientation day

On Sunday the 28th of August, tutors and students attended the orientation day organised by AIMS Rwanda and AIMS secretariat. Participants were introduced to the AIMS vision, core values and objectives followed by a discussion on the academic model and logistics. Admitted students and tutors will be hosted at the centre for a period of 10

AIMSSEC’s First Teacher Resource Book Published

AIMSSEC, the Schools Enrichment Center of AIMS South Africa, has been working for a number of years to create a book series to support self-help teacher workshops. In April 2016, CUP (Cambridge University Press) published the first book in this series: Mathematical Thinking in the Lower Secondary Classroom. Since June the book has been available in South Africa

Is the universe a hologram?

The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture series presents a talk by Dr Matthias Ihl, Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Science, University of Porto. Abstract: In recent years, progress in our understanding of the physics of black holes, quantum information and string theory have led us to a new paradigm:The holographic universe. In this lecture, Dr  Ihl is going to introduce
