AIMS Small Research Grants in Climate Change Science for AIMS Graduates
Did you do your AIMS research essay on climate-related topics? Are you working on a climate-related topic? We have good news for you.
You can apply for up to USD 3,500 from AIMS Small Research Grant Program in Climate Change Sciences to partially cover any of the following;
- travel to a host institution where the project will be executed
- participation in a workshop or conferences
- cost for a field trip or data collection
- travel and board to an AIMS Centre
- publication fees
- bursaries for post AIMS studies
- cost for basic project equipment
- basic project running cost
What do you need to do?
You are advised to familiarize yourself with the following ‘Terms of References’;
- The Grantee may elect to work under the supervision of a more senior researcher or to be self-directed.
- The project should make substantive use of mathematical science concepts.
- Projects involving human and/or animal subjects shall adhere to the highest applicable ethical standards. The Grantee shall request and receive permission from their home or host institutions and share the approvals with AIMS for final validation before embarking on such projects.
- AIMS, IDRC, GAC, and the government of Canada should be duly acknowledged in all communications (publications, presentations, etc.) concerning work done by the Grantee. Publications should carry the following acknowledgment: “This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, www.idrc.ca, and with financial support from the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC), www.international.gc.ca under the framework of the Mathematical Sciences for Climate Change Resilience (MS4CR) program administered by AIMS.’’
- The Grantee releases AIMS-NEI and its supporters from all liability for any injury or other type of harm that the Grantee or their dependents may suffer while holding the Grant.
- The Grantee shall provide a report six months upon the receipt of the Grant by sending it to ms4cr-smallgrants@nexteinstein.org
- Grantees are responsible for complying with applicable tax laws.
Submit the following documents by October 31st, 2021, 23:59 CAT, to the email ms4cr-smallgrants@nexteinstein.org
- A proposal document that includes how the funds are to be used. The budget should be clearly defined and justified in the budget section.
- Curriculum vitae
- A letter of motivation.
- Any other relevant documentation
Applications shall be considered complete if AIMS receives all the documents listed above on or before the application deadline. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.
Application Instructions
You are advised to familiarize yourself with the following ‘Terms of References’;
- The Grantee may elect to work under the supervision of a more senior researcher or to be self-directed.
- The project should make substantive use of mathematical science concepts.
- Projects involving human and/or animal subjects shall adhere to the highest applicable ethical standards. The Grantee shall request and receive permission from their home or host institutions and share the approvals with AIMS for final validation before embarking on such projects.
- AIMS, IDRC, GAC, and the government of Canada should be duly acknowledged in all communications (publications, presentations, etc.) concerning work done by the Grantee. Publications should carry the following acknowledgment: “This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, www.idrc.ca, and with financial support from the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC), www.international.gc.ca under the framework of the Mathematical Sciences for Climate Change Resilience (MS4CR) program administered by AIMS.’’
- The Grantee releases AIMS-NEI and its supporters from all liability for any injury or other type of harm that the Grantee or their dependents may suffer while holding the Grant.
- The Grantee shall provide a report six months upon the receipt of the Grant by sending it to ms4cr-smallgrants@nexteinstein.org
- Grantees are responsible for complying with applicable tax laws.
Application Documents
- A proposal document that includes how the funds are to be used. The budget should be clearly defined and justified in the budget section.
- Curriculum vitae
- A letter of motivation.
- Any other relevant documentation
Applications shall be considered complete if AIMS receives all the documents listed above on or before the application deadline. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.
Application Deadline
October 31st, 2021, 23:59 CAT
You can apply for up to USD 3,500 from AIMS Small Research Grant Program in Climate Change Sciences to partially cover any of the following;
- travel to a host institution where the project will be executed
- participation in a workshop or conferences
- cost for a field trip or data collection
- travel and board to an AIMS Centre
- publication fees
- bursaries for post AIMS studies
- cost for basic project equipment
- basic project running cost