Building on the success of over 5 years of their mutually beneficial partnership, the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) entered into a professional services contract for a one-year program, aimed at conducting capacity building activities on climate change reporting
methodologies. These activities were implemented as part of the Evidence-based Climate Reporting (ECRI).
ECRI has three pillars, namely: Training program, Research collaboration, and Work-Integrated Learning program. In line with these pillars, AIMS provided in-person training for three courses; promoted research collaboration through joint scientific publications and technical assistance; and embedded five AIMS alumni at REMA for 6-month research internships, leveraging its Work-Integrated Learning framework.
Following a year of a successful implementation of the activities of ECRI, REMA and AIMS have organized a Training Program Graduation Ceremony of over 45 professionals (28% women) from the public and private sector and non-profit organizations who completed the three courses. This event highlights the key outcomes of each of the above pillars and marks the end of the activities of ECRI as both REMA and AIMS wish to explore partnership
opportunities for a second phase.
On-demand course development AIMS developed three customized hands-on courses to respond to capacity-development needs:
– Advanced Excel for Data Analysis
– Climate Modelling using Mathematical Models
– Mathematical Models for National GHG Inventory, Data Analysis and future Projections.
- Trained over 45 professionals from various sector organizations trained on the above courses.
- 28 % of women trainees.
- Promoted research collaboration through joint scientific publications and technical assistance.
- Embedded five AIMS alumni at REMA for 6-month research internships