Wilfred Ndifon is a theoretical biologist who conducts research at the interface of the mathematical and biological sciences, with a primary interest in elucidating the mechanisms that govern immune responses to diseases. Also of interest is the investigation of clinical applications of the basic scientific work, including designing improved diagnostics and vaccines.
His scientific contributions include:
i) a pooled testing strategy for identifying SARS-CoV-2 at low prevalence (Ndifon et al, 2020).
ii) a mathematical instantiation of the output of a popular serological assay (Influenza Other Resp Viruses 5:206, 2011), an important theoretical prediction of which was experimentally validated (Lee et al. J Virol 87:9904, 2013);
iii) discovery of steric antibody interference in influenza viruses (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:8701), inspiring a new proposal to improve the efficacy of subunit influenza vaccines;
iv) discovery of a physical rule that governs gene segment recombination at the genomic loci encoding T cell receptor beta chains (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:15865, 2012); and
v) a unifying mechanistic explanation of the intriguing immunological phenomenon of the original antigenic sin (J Roy Soc Interf 12:20150627, 2015).
He is the Chief Scientific Officer of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) – Global Network. He holds a PhD degree from Princeton.